I seem to be juggling many balls this week. Last weekend this guy turned 7!!!

I can't believe my youngest is getting so old, because that means I am getting so old! We decided it would be fun to take the family to the circus on his birthday. Who would have believed the traffic in downtown Atlanta on a Saturday afternoon. CRaZy!!! But the show was really good. I had never been to the circus before, ever. It was great, even if we did buy lots of $12 bags of cotton candy ;)

In other news, I have been busy cleaning out and organizing more stuff for the big move. Today I cleaned the garage in preparation for the biggest yard sale I have ever had. Our house in FL is almost half the size of the house we have now, with no real storage space. It's going to be huge. I'll keep you posted on dates, but it will be sometime mid March.
I'm still working on wedding stuff. I made these gorgeous flower arrangements for the front of the church.

They turned out so nice I can't wait to make myself something like this for my entry.
My week continues to be very exciting. I get to organize kids' clothes tomorrow. I'm so giddy I can hardly wait. Ha!
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