Thursday, April 9, 2015

ORC- Week 2

It's week 2 of Linda's One Room Challenge Linking Event.

Well week 2 of the ORC didn't go so well for me. What was I thinking attempting this challenge! I hurt everywhere from removing all that blasted wallpaper. We did close on our house on Monday. That means I've had 3 days in the room. Here is how it started.

Wallpaper removal is not for the faint of heart. Here is how it looks after 3 days.

There are many cracks in the plaster that need to be fixed. I'm researching how to do that now. They need to be repaired then primed and painted.

So when I started the removal process I realized the ceilings are even papered. I'm leaving the paper on the ceiling and hopefully I'll be able to paint it. You really can't tell it's paper unless you look very close.

See that large crack!!!  What am I going to do where the paper meets the wall? I would love to put some crown in here, but 3 of the walls are curved near the ceiling. Guess I'll be wandering the aisles of HD and Lowes Looking for a solution.

I couldn't  have done the wallpaper without these 3 tools.

Wallpaper removal

Best $60 dollars I could have spent on this job.

We are having the wood floors in the whole house re-stained in about 3 weeks. Nothing can get moved in to the room before they are finished. Installation of the room will have be done in just a couple of days. If I finish in time it will be a miracle.
Hopefully next week I'll get to show you some projects I am doing. Here's a list of what I"m going to try to do for next week.

  • Finish wallpaper removal
  • wash all the glue residue off the walls
  • fix the cracks
  • prime the walls
  • 2 initial string art projects
  • 2 cornices for windows
I'm just getting this post in under the wire today.  Can't wait to check out everyone progress this week. I'm sure you are all ahead of me. Ha! Come back next week to see more progress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. Good for you for tackling such a huge job! You'll feel so good once that room it done. It'll be SO worth it!