Thursday, April 23, 2015

ORC Linking Event Week 4

It's week 4 of the One Room Challenge.  I don't know why, but when I say that in my head it sounds like the announcer from a boxing match. Ha!  This week has been tough. I think I say that every week!! Finally all the wallpaper and glue are gone. My painters got one coat of paint on the ceiling and the tinted primer on the walls. Here is how the room looks now.

I took down the light fixture. I'm donating it to a sweet little baby for her nursery. It will look perfect there. This room is coming along slowly and surely. The floors are going to hold me up. Sadly I will not finish in the alloted 6 weeks. I will still update every week until I'm finished, so please keep coming back. 
We are off today my husbands MBA graduation this weekend. It has been a long 2 years. Classes have been every other weekend. When we moved from Jacksonville he had to travel there twice a month from Pittsburgh. With plane tickets, hotels and rental cars it has been an expensive venture. I'm  so proud of all his hard work. We finally get our weekends back!!!! Just in time to work on our fixer upper. I'm off to pack. Hope everyone has a productive weekend. I'll be spending time with family and friends so no work until next Tuesday for me. 


Wendy said...

I think the primer looks great! Good luck with everything left to do & congrats to your husband on getting his MBA!

Tricia said...

Congrats to your husband - what an accomplishment! The room is going to be great when it's finished. I wouldn't worry that it's not done in the 6 weeks - you'll have a beautiful room in the end and the ORC got you moving! :)
Tricia @ Suburban Bitches