The only other thing to do in my didning room is to add a skirted buffet, similar to this under the mirror.

Photo from Little Green Notebook
Photo from Little Green Notebook
I couldn't resist this silver faux leather from . I wouldn't use it, but thought it looked very funky.
Well the Tate chair from Bassett Furniture won. This is the style of chair I think I will be using. I love the contemporary arm style, but not too contemporary that it will clash with my traditional home. This is the chair I am HOOKED ON.
Stop on over at Hooked on Houses and tell everybody what you're hooked on!!
I will miss the summer days. School starts on Monday. It is bittersweet.
Photo courtesy Pottery Barn Kids
Any suggestions on what I should do? I don't really like white furniture in a boy's room. Maybe I should put it together and live with it for a while. If I do decide to paint it, does anyone have any tips for painting IKEA furniture. I want to spray it, but I read somewhere it won't stick. What to do, what to do?
I should be finished with most of the room by the end of the week, (still need to sew a dust ruffle and a sham) and will post pics when it's finished.