Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Stones of the Kidney Variety

I was abruptly woken up from sweet slumber yesterday morning by screams of pain from my oldest son. After I realized it was 3am and this was not normal, mommy panic mode set in. He had severe pain in his right side, so off to the ER we went. Luckily my FIL lives with us, so he stayed home with younger two and I was free to focus on the matter at hand.

We got to the hospital and the nurse said it was possibly his appendix. The doc said not appendix so he was sent to X-ray. He was such a trooper, even after the IV was put in.

This pic was taken before the pain meds.

This one was taken after pain meds.

Fluids, a CT scan and 5 hours later, they told us he had a kidney stone and the pain was him passing it through the ureter to the bladder. He was sent home with meds to rest. They don't think he has any more stones, but we will be following it up with a visit to the urologist soon.
Needless to say I slept the rest of the day away and didn't get any work done. So today it is work, work, work.

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Clean Out

The great clean out starts today. I have about 7 weeks until the movers arrive to pack us up. We cannot take everything we have, it simply won't fit. I have decluttered some. I had a huge garage sale a week ago and will have another one in May. I am going to start today on the most disorganized room in the whole house, the middle child's bedroom. The poor guy has all the clothes that don't fit his big brother anymore, and the clothes that are too big for his little brother stored in his room. if I can just get a handle on the clothes and the books today, I will call it a success. Pics to come later.

We had a great weekend here. My husband got home around dinner time on Friday and we headed to the mall for dinner and the funniest movie I've seen in a long time.

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Pink and Lime Baby Shower

My sister in law is anticipating the birth of a baby girl. She has two boys from her husbands previous marriage that live with them full time, but this is her first pregnancy and the first baby girl on our side of the family. I have 3 boys, so it is so nice to have some pink around. Today I threw her a baby shower. Full on hot pink and lime, and it was so fun.

My large artwork didn't work with the decor, so I covered it with half of a white paper tablecloth and stuck the vinyl polka dots on it with the mesh wreath that I made.

I used paper lanterns that I fancied up with ribbon and polka dots ( they're hard to see because these pics are from my iPhone). One fell down in the middle of the shower and almost hit me on the head.

The food was great, we had a good time and my SIL got a lot of great stuff. It was fun decorating for a girl for a change.

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Not Enough Hours in the Day!

This move to Jacksonville is going to kill me!! My husband is already living there during the week, so not only am I a single parent all week to 3 boys with homework and activities, I am organizing and cleaning out for the move, getting ready for the monster of all garage sales and trying to decorate the new house a little. I don't have all the resources in Jax that I have here in Atlanta, so I'm trying to get the things that I need before we move.

Last week my Pottery Barn sofa was delivered, so my husband finally has a place to sit. But now the place is very beige!!!

I went looking for rug today to help with the echo. I saw this rug first and it was a strong contender. I took a second look and then I thought it might be too geometric with the fabric I bought to upholster 2 of these chairs.
I found these at the Scott Antique Market. They'll be ready in 4 weeks.
Then I saw this rug and I think it's much better. there's a little more green than I really wanted, but it looks good with the fabric for the chairs (lower right) and the rest of the fabric that I'm using in the room.I'll get a pic with the rug this weekend. I'll show you how it looks then.