I have wallpapered many times in the past. Did a cute froggy bathroom in my old house. Put up several borders back in the 90's. Most recently I put grasscloth in behind bookcases in my family room. I really didn't have any intention of papering anything else. One of the fabric stores that I frequent has an attached wallpaper store. They have some cute little birds in there. Of course I had the 3 munchkins in tow so I told them if they were good we'd go see the birds. I walked in there and my eyes were instantly drawn to this paper. I thought it would look gorgeous in a tray ceiling. Oh wait! I have a tray in my dining room. Sold. I bought 2 double rolls and off I went. How hard could it be? Little did I know. It is definitely a two person job. People if you want your marriage to survive, do not do this with your spouse!!!
I cut and prepped the first 9 foot piece. Tried to put it up. It wasn't sticking, it kept falling on my head, GRAVITY IS NOT YOUR FRIEND! I finally got it to stick. Then I couldn't get the wrinkles out. Well I took the first piece down and then spent the next hour and a half scrubbing the ceiling to get the adhesive off. I was so sore. That is the end of the story . I decided to call in the pros. I have never felt better about writing the check. They were worth every penny. It looks gorgeous!


After-I love how the light reflects off the paper.
I still need to move the table back into the room.

The only other thing to do in my didning room is to add a skirted buffet, similar to this under the mirror.
Photo from Little Green Notebook